BC Ferries have wifi now. So I'm sitting in the upper lounge with my Eee and we're just about to Active Pass. A couple of minutes ago, the Captain announced that there was a pod of orcas on the port side, which is where I am. So I stood up and looked out to see a shining fin and back arch out of the water and down again.
We are curving between piney-backed islands crouching in the pale blue water. The rain of the last 3 days has gone, though I see gray cloud over Vancouver, my destination.
I meant to do a couple of ranty posts about things I dislike in fantasy novels: the hero(ine) of Unearned Specialness, and the CGI Ending. But I think I will stop and just stare out the window until we hit open ocean.
Orca? Too cool for words. I usually get to see dolphins wihile on the ferry between NJ and DE, but orca??? Wow!
Sometimes orca, sometimes seals - but I've never seen a dolphin in the wild, so that seems much more exotic to me!
Really? Oh, wow! One of these May's you should come to Virginia Beach for that weeklong writer's thing I do with the Dollbabies--the one Cal and Diana have joined me on. You'll get to see plenty of dolphins right outside your back door!
Gads, I want to say come this year! But the house is full, full, full!
That's so tempting! Maybe next year? That would give me time to save for the travel.
Do you swim with the dolphins?
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