I took three of my 3-Day Novels, the ones set in the same alt-Europe, and muddled about on Lulu.com turning them into a pdf and giving them a cover. This was rather fun.
I ended up using the old-style cover templates, so avoided most of the 'Hey, why not pay us to do this?' shilling that Jim Macdonald speaks of over on Making Light.
Here's the message from Lulu:
Threefold(ID #8518393) is available only through a Direct Access web URL. To allow others to see and purchase this Book, send them this link:
The book is at cost. The download is free. I will make no money if you get either, but will be mildly flattered and pleased.
If you got Fold a couple of years back, you already have 1/3 of this book. If I've emailed you Fold, Trading in Ghosts, or Culture Heroes, you have 1/3, 2/3, or all of this book. About all I can say in favour of getting the hard copy is that the cover is kind of cool and you can read it in the bath.
An update: the Lulu website is being stupid, and the Download (Free) link has vanished. So if you'd like the free pdf, you can still get it by going to my 'storefront', where under the button that says Add Print to Cart, there is a link saying Download for Free.
My Preview feature has also disappeared, and I haven't had any luck discovering where it might have wandered off to.
The cover pic is from a number of 'creepy doll pictures' that I copied from ebay 3 or 4 years ago, and unfortunately I never thought (at the time) of noting the auction number or seller's name. Whoever took this did a number of eerie and evocative auction photos, and I wish I could give him or her credit.
PLEASE NOTE! The texts are almost exactly as when I sent them off to the judges for the 3-Day Novel Contest. Editing was no more than adding a missing quote mark or restoring a paragraph break that had gone missing. I wanted to keep the flavour of desperation and fatigue that adds so much to the experience.
I'm amazed that you wrote this in three sittings of three days! I started reading the first story and it's so atmospheric.
Thank you! I usually start by finding my way in the world, so there's more sensory detail. Later I panic and pack in plot ;)
I have Fold! And I read Ghosts. I didn't know Fold was a three-day thing.
And Culture Heroes too - see, you don't need this book ;p
Culture Heroes! That's the one I meant. d'oh...
Did I read Ghosts?? That wasn't the Bluebeard one, was it? Forgive my brain for farting so much. It is old, and often cannot help itself.
Yep, you've read Ghosts - it's the one where I had the 2d chapter up on my LJ, prostitution, near-murder, multiple personalities, ghosts.
Oh, yes! I remember.
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