My puppets have heads of linden, hands of pine, cloth bodies, and are dressed in linen and wool. They are painted with ochres and whiting in size tempera, with a little ceruse for the eyes and vermilion for the lips tempered with yolk.
The booth is made of pine and oak, glued with cheese & quicklime glue, nailed, and painted with ochres in size. I handsawed the whole damn thing, because our tablesaw is under the beltsander and thus inaccessible.

The play was Le Cuvier, a French farce of about 1400, trimmed down and with one character removed. I used the French text, rather than my rough translation, so as not to lose the rhymes and bounciness.
In writing news, I've had my first real review, over on the Internet Review of Science Fiction, in its last issue, alas, alas. The review is for "On the Transmontane Run with the Aerial Mail Express", in the December issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and is brief enough that I think I can quote it here:
Rookie Willow, with her chimpanzee crew, has to prove herself as a blimp pilot on her first solo run. Adventures await her, pirates and treachery. Inventive stuff in this adventure story with a plucky heroine who is also pretty clever. But then, we expected that.
In reading news, I'm going to spend a week depleting my TBR piles before I jump back into The Cost of Silver. I have a fear of becoming one of those writers who says 'oh, I can't tell you which writers I enjoy, I just don't have time to read in my field anymore'.
I was a reader before I was a writer. I'm a writer because I'm a reader. The idea of having to sacrifice reading for writing makes me shudder. I'll try to post some reviews and thoughts of what I've been reading, and what I get on to reading in the next little while.
Don't mind me, folks, I'm just seeing if commenting works, since bogwitch told me two of hers had vanished in transit.
Now seeing if I can comment anonymously.
Now let's see if I can successfully post!
The puppets are awesome, btw--but I said that on LJ. What you didn't get was my, "woohoo on revisions winging their way into the world!"
Yay! It worked!
I just hope that I've fixed the story enough that it can start going out. But I don't know. Dreadful uncertainty!
And I can't remember if I did anything to celebrate. Hmmmm.
I hadn't realized that you cut it down so drastically to 105K before sending it out. Do you find yourself putting a lot of that cut stuff back in? Or do you feel they were cut because they really needed to get out of there? Have any of her suggestions made you eep with, "NOOOOOOOO!"?
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