Second is a public service announcement. The story could not have been written or sold if I had not attended the Viable Paradise writing workshop, applications to which open tomorrow, January 1st. If you aren't already an alumnus/a, and you have hopes or plans of becoming a published writer, you should seriously consider applying.
It is only a week long, so the time commitment is more manageable than Clarion or Odyssey, and it will put you in contact with publishing professionals in a much more low-key and satisfactory way than those speed-date writing conferences where you have to pitch in 5 or 10 minutes. You will get invaluable feedback on your writing, and straightforward advice on how the industry works.
The workshop fee is remarkably reasonable, and includes several meals. The hotel rooms make it easy to share space without stepping on each other, and splitting the room costs make that pretty reasonable as well (even speaking as someone who gets all twitchy at anything above a Motel 6).
And hey, maybe by fall the TSA insanity will be reduced to mere imbecility.

Congrats again on the story going up. Woohoo!!!
Thanks! Have some hot nuts to celebrate!
Gads, I miss you.
Imagining you saying "hot nuts" has possibly scarred me for life. That might be because when I see you, you are wearing a headdress like a nun.
Well, and the soft voice doesn't help either.
Kail (changed my on-line Blogger name)
You are so multi-faceted - how will I ever keep up?
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