The advantage of socialising in geek circles is that it hugely reduces the occasions on which I lie awake reviewing every word, glance, and gesture I've made for social faux pas. Because mostly no one notices.
Anyway. It's been said that the lessons of Viable Paradise are time-release processes, that they unpack over months and years (like that friend of my husband who fell out of his chair laughing in Music Theory class because he'd just gotten a PDQ Bach joke).
The friendships also unpack. VPXers whom I didn't get to know during VP itself become acquaintances and friends over time spent online and at cons. The network expands, busy little spiders sticking strands to strands to strands.
That being the long way around of saying that I got to hang out w
I failed to buy drinks for either Tim Powers or Mary Robinette Kowal, though both of them came and went repeatedly to the table in the bar that the VPers had laid claim to, and Mr. Powers very kindly gave me the bullet points on how he does research, in quick bursts of knowledge between dashes back to the editors & publishers table.
I learned that from the back I can be mistaken for Sherwood Smith. I don't see the resemblance myself, but then I can't see me from the back. She also dresses with far more flair than I do--but I did get Lucy's okay on the clothes I brought, which were intended to look moar srs than the usual dressed-out-of-the-laundry-basket look that's all I can usually manage.
World Fantasy has a couple of distinct features.
One is the Giant Bag of Books that attendees are given, which they can then swap and trade as they wish (there's a swap table where you can leave your surplus, and would it surprise you at all to know that almost everyone who put books on there stacked them appropriately and tidily? and sorted by type, with all the zines and journals on one side and books on the other?)
One is that there's one giant autograph session where all the authors of whatever degree sit at tables with their names and whatever display they are inclined to put together, and sign books and chat. I was able to get books signed for friends by Sherwood Smith, Tim Powers, and Jane Lindskold (the next day), and thank Garth Nix for signing Zoe's book last year. Got book
On my last circuit (because I am utter pants at finding people in giant rooms) I spotted Lucy sitting among the others, with a name card in front of her, but I had nothing for her to autograph for me (sob!) This year the organisers made 'tent cards' (now I know what they're called, I feel so informed) for everyone. On the way out I picked up my owny-own tent card so I could pretend I was real. Or practice for being real, however one cares to phrase it. I'm going to have to think about what looked good on the tables. A good many authors don't seem to think about presentation at all.
At the Mexican restaurant, Brian Hades gave us the Cole's notes version of his grandfather's life story, which really should be a Great Canadian Novel, possibly by Robertson Davies. What can be better than a boy orphaned by a fire joining the circus to become a fire-eater and magician, travelling with Gypsies, riding the rails and eventually becoming a fireman?
Two young girls were going from table to table doing card tricks, and Janice taught one of them a trick with a knife (paging Michael Ondaatje for an obligatory CanLit ref) to add to her repertoire. (you can do it with a pencil, but there were knives on the table)
The menu had grasshoppers listed, with a parenthetical yes they are grasshoppers. Unlike the eels I had in Norfolk, the grasshoppers had no immediate research application, but how often does the chance come one's way? So I was one of the three at the table who ordered the grasshopper appetiser (I also had chicken soup, to soothe me in case the grasshoppers weirded me out.) You'll want to know, I expect?
So. They come in a bowl, with guacamole and thick nacho chips. They are fried in oil, and look like a bowl full of small brown bugs. The way of eating them is to dip the nacho in the guacamole, and scoop up grasshoppers with it. This triggered my squick somewhat, because clinging to the guacamole they look very bug-like. It was easier to spoon them than dip them.
Mostly they tasted of oil and salt. The texture was crunchy. They're cooked complete (well, imagine the labour of peeling or de-legging individual grasshoppers) but the legs of the smaller ones come off when they're stirred about, so there's a scatter of tiny legs clinging to the edge of the bowl, which was also slightly squicky. When I was able to examine some of the larger ones, they were quite brown except for the abdomen(?) which was paler, more greyish or greenish. I imagine that was the actual food-part.
There were a few moments when I thought 'I have bugs in my mouth' but generally I was more conscious of just how salty they were. I expect they'd be better with beer, if I liked beer. I ate about half the bowl, and took the rest away to eat cold the next morning, wrapped in a tortilla. They aren't bad cold, but I'd like to know what they taste like without the salt and oil.
This sounds lovely. Some year I'll get there.
It's in Columbus Ohio next year. I'm trying to figure out if I can afford the airfare.
Is Ohio near you? I have only the vaguest idea of US geography.
Ohio is three states over. I'm just west of the Mississippi, if that helps any. It would be too far to drive.
I'm planning Ohio next year. And Boskone in February! I AM GOING!
It's so funny that Tim Powers seems to be popping up EVERYWHERE since my 'big find' yesterday. (It's on my LJ, but I found an unread, unremaindered, first edition hard cover copy of Tim Powers', "The Stress of Her Regard" in a warehouse bookstore going out of business. I've never read Mr. Powers, but apparently the rest of the known world not only knows his work, but finds him a stand-up sort of chappy. I'm very excited. Now I'll have to lug it to Ohio next year in hopes that he's there to sign it!
You'll be there? Okay, I have to go now. Want to share a hotel room? I don't snore, but I did leave my underthings on the floor after a shower, which Dru pointed out to me in the most gentlemanly way possible.
Yes thank you! I think I can envision the Mississippi on the mental map (even apparently spell it). It's all those ticky little states I can't keep straight. Why so many?
So do you think you'll go to WFC?
I am planning Ohio next year, yes. I will probably drive out, make it a little vacation with the hubs. You wouldn't want to share a hotel room with me--I DO snore. Loudly, I'm told.
You going to go?? For realz?
Re; grasshoppers. Being an adventurous eater, I was good until the disembodied legs. Then the squik factor went straight through the roof. ACK.
I'm glad you had fun, though. And you don't have to pretend being real (insert Velveteen Rabbit reference. You should start planning your signing table, for certain, as it is only a matter of time.
Awww ... thanks, Kali. It does seem to make a real difference having an agent, as to how some people see me. Maybe as much as having a tent card, even.
I did have someone want to talk to me about getting an agent, but I think she was disappointed that it was just 'write query letters, get rejections, repeat process until desired result.'
Terri, yes, I'm seriously thinking about going. The only holdup is the airfare.
Thankfully, Blogger has an excellent spam filter. Nonetheless, I'm tired of it. Nobody reading this blog wants to buy cheap drugs online. Really.
So go away now, shoo! Spam-B-Gone!
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