I find the writer/cat connection pretty hilarious. We all seem to have them, and they all seem to want to hamper our writing progress by sitting on the keyboard or swiping at our tapping fingers.
I think it's because a sedentary writer provides a convenient lap. Dogs need active attention, you have to get up to walk them, let them out and so on. Cats want passive attention, something they can sit there and receive, like adulation, or tuna.
Gorgeous kitty! I love tortoiseshells.
She is very beautiful and almost completely brainless.
I find the writer/cat connection pretty hilarious. We all seem to have them, and they all seem to want to hamper our writing progress by sitting on the keyboard or swiping at our tapping fingers.
I think it's because a sedentary writer provides a convenient lap. Dogs need active attention, you have to get up to walk them, let them out and so on.
Cats want passive attention, something they can sit there and receive, like adulation, or tuna.
You got that right!
My cat, Shitty (or Captain Biteypants), just chews on electrical cords or cardboard boxes. He is vexing.
I thought that was a rabbit trait - you're quite sure he's pure cat?
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